
Pathways Childcare Centre is run by a Voluntary Management Committee (VMC) consisting of the Trustees listed below.

Kelly Cooke

Kelly Cooke

Kelly .......

Other Interests / Hobbies:
Coming soon.

Rebecca Middleton

Rebecca Middleton

Rebecca .......

Other Interests / Hobbies:
Coming soon.

Geraint Owen

Geraint Owen

Geraint is married and has 4 daughters, all of which have attended Pathways. Following his graduation from Keele University in 2003 he has worked locally for the NHS and currently as a Senior Data Analyst at the University Hospital of North Midlands. Geraint also runs a mobile disco service providing entertainment for a variety of events including children's parties.

Other Interests / Hobbies:
Geraint enjoys taking time out with the children when they are not busy doing gymnastics, dancing or swimming and he enjoys cycling and running.

Andy Davies


Andy .......

Other Interests / Hobbies:
Coming soon.

Abi Deakin


Abi .......

Other Interests / Hobbies:
Coming soon.

Nicky Latham

Nicky Latham

Nicky .......

Other Interests / Hobbies:
Coming soon.

School Represenatative


Averil Kirk, Jared Eccles, Jo Hill


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  • 01538 756860
  • [javascript protected email address]
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